Through my college years my diet was terrible ( no breakfast, fast food and tons of pizza ) and I did little to no physical activity other than walking to class, which let me be honest, I probably didn't do as often as I should have. And lets not even get into the partying, drinking and my terrible sleeping habits SMH those were the days ! so over the course of 4 years I managed to gain about 25-30 lbs, not a bad weight but I was so far from healthy or fit that it was ridiculous.
In Sept of 2009 I received life changing news, yep I was pregnant!!! It came as a total surprise ( well kinda ) and I had no idea how much my life was about to change. Through out my pregnancy I gained about 40 lbs and I was eating everything insight ( isn't that what pregnant women are suppose to do??? ) I wasn't the least bit worried about snapping back to my old size after giving birth and no of course I didn't exercise while pregnant ( who does that ? ).
June 17 2010 I gave birth to a healthy 8lb 9oz baby boy via emergency c section ( scariest thing I ever experienced in life !). By my 6 week check up I was down to 147lbs which I felt pretty good about and I thought for sure with the combination of breast feeding and a little exercise I would be back to the old Phy in no time, actually even better I now had some much appreciated womanly curves lol.
But to my surprise it just didn't happen that easy, by the time my son was 6mo old I had pretty much completely stopped breast feeding, my workout routine was anything but routine, and my eating habits were not good. Instead of losing weight I was slowly starting to gain weight. I was very unhappy with the way I looked, i just didn't feel like myself and the comments from others didn't help the way I was feeling. I wanted to blame anything I could think of; my schedule, my c section, my birth control ( the Marina IUD which I eventually had taken out because I was sure that it was making gain weight even though my doctor assured me that it wasn't). I even tried some diet pills for a little while, I was willing to try any and everything other than working out on a consistent basis and eating right lol. Overtime I had reached the weight that I was when I was 9 mo pregnant UUGH!!! I would still go through spurts of being super motivated to eat right or to work out but I was never consistent, I wasn't ready to make the life changes that were necessary to change my body so I added a few more pounds to the scale.
The saddest part about it is that I knew there were no quick fixes or magic pills or body wraps that alone would change my body I knew exactly what I had to do to!!! I never thought I would see the day that I would be a size 12-14 ( its hard to even type that ) but this is my reality and a about a month and half ago I decided that I was sick of being chubby and I mean really sick of it!!! So I joined the YWCA (Gateway YWCA in Winston Salem NC) down the street from my house and set my goal to go every day.... yes 7 days a week ( There's been weeks that I have fallen a day or two short) but I am doing some type of physical activity every day. I cut out sodas ( I LOVE PEPSI but it had to go ) and I started meal prepping and eating healthy. About 3 week ago I went ahead and splurged on a Personal Trainer, which I feel like was exactly what I needed, I can be a bit lazy at times so its great to have some one to keep me motivated ! I'll get in to more details on what changes I've made in my life at a later time. But to sum it all up I am sick of being chubby so I'm doing something about it !!
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